Friday, August 16, 2013

Because life continues on anyway...

(I heard this song on my way home this morning.) Pray! Love this one. So appropriate and what perfect timing!

For those of you who didn't realize, when I had my D&C, Joy was enjoying a week with my parents, attending the preschool VBS at their church. She came back with a cold she was getting over. Five days later, when I was admitted with the pulmonary embolism she was acting much better but David noted Micah was stuffed up. When my parents arrived to pick them up two days later, we let them know. Midweek I heard noises made about possible pink eye. When I was released, we gave my parents Micah's medical info if needed. Upon arrival home two days later, David promptly took Micah to get checked out. They prescribed antibiotics for pink eye and an ear infection. After the expected week and a half he seemed to be doing better for a bit. Unfortunately, after 1-2 days of whining (Micah is not an excessive whiner or crier and has never been.) and a mysterious rash, I had had it. I called David at work and shared my concerns at him seeming worse instead of better. (He didn't even whine much when he was sick.) David was able to get coverage at work for a few hours and took Micah to get checked out so I could allow Joy to go to bed. Results? He has an infection caused by the antibiotics. Yep, he gets to be one of those "fortunate" ones who will have to keep an eye out for side effects such as this from antibiotics. And he's the kid who gets just about everything, or at least a lot more of the bugs than his sister (who very infrequently gets sick).

All of this to say, life goes on. What I am dealing with is serious AND important. However, my kids will still get sick. My husband will still have to go to work and deal with his back issues; he will get sick at times as well. Joy will start school soon and we will have to take care of her lunch, her homework, getting her there and home, as well as to dance. We will always have expenses, whether it be for school, extra curriculars, food, medicine, the dog, toiletries, bills etc. (You get it, right?) Life goes on. I have to learn the balance now of not just "regular" life. (Does it even exist?) I have to try and incorporate this new part of my life that will now be considered normal.  I have to take care to remember my medicine daily. I have to do my blood draws as requested (which hopefully will start to get less frequent as my INR becomes and stays therapeutic). I have to make and keep all appointments with my hematologist primarily, as well as with my OB and GP as needed, as well as any others I may be asked to see (not sure yet if I will be). I have to keep an eye on every bump, bruise and bleed. I have to report anything of significance to my Clinical Pharmacist. (She oversees my INR and instructs me on what dose of Coumadin to take.)

But... life goes on. I woke up today in immense pain. I am pretty sure the pain was there last night but I was overtired so my body didn't connect the dots to take pain relief earlier.  I am fatigued. I went out to do my blood draw and I got coffee. I plan to stay home the rest of the day. My pain meds are running low so I had to put in a request yesterday to get more. Unfortunately, they said I shouldn't anticipate them before Tuesday. Judging on my current pain level, they will likely run out tomorrow. Sigh. Oh yeah, and Micah still is whiny and sad and hurting and itching... Remember?

I feel this Serenity Prayer is appropriate. Insert here... literally.

God grant me the serenity 
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time; 
Enjoying one moment at a time; 
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it; 
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life 
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

That's all for now...

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