Tuesday, January 14, 2014

We made it!

Hi All!
Thank you all for the prayers our way. We made it through the weekend alive ;-) Feeling encouraged as I have a workout plan I hope to be starting Friday (already put off twice for different issues that came up).  I would ask you continue to pray for us.  My health is still a concern. Even though we are SO close to the scans, things keep coming up that give us reason to pray even more. Also, it seems we may be heading into a time of transition. A lot is going on in our minds & hearts and we really have no idea where God is leading. Please pray for guidance & calm.  David & I are more united than ever before but we are only human & really don't know where God is leading or if He wants us to just stay right where we are.  We are still learning about contentment & are trying to narrow in what it means for us as a family, notably in different arenas of our lives.

Just a quick one today.
Thanks again for all of the support.
More comprehensive blog coming in the next week I hope.

Your Friend,

Friday, January 10, 2014


I don't envy the person that goes through this... the couple that goes through this... the family that goes through this... I wouldn't wish it for anyone.

1 year ago, today we found out our little Squirt had passed. What we didn't know is that "delivering" baby Squirt would be just the beginning.  Just shy of 17 weeks, we found out that day... one year ago that our baby had stopped growing between 13-14 weeks and no longer had a heartbeat... likely around Christmas.

What few people know is that my doctor's wife, the midwife at the practice showed up just in time to deliver Squirt & asked me if I wanted to see who this treasure was that we had lost.  I declined. There are days I wish I had chosen differently but with my hubby & kiddos in the next room,  I wanted to start to move on.

There's nothing like losing a baby to bring up every fear in the world.  It was that loss that led us to declare it our "Year of Faith," a year that will likely to ever live in our minds.

Please keep us in your prayers. Sunday is another hard day ahead of us.

We miss you, Squirt on your 1st angelversary.  Keep Little One close, okay?

What a day...