Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blessed but not depressed...

730 days of praise... If you've seen my Facebook, then you know I have challenged myself to praise God for something new every single day for 2 years straight.  Why? Because I am blessed! I did it for a year & it wasn't that hard.  This year has been especially challenging for myself & my family but I can't help thanking God for all that He has done in spite of everything that has gone "wrong."  So, for this blog I've decided to list some of the things I am thankful for & see where it ends up.  Some you may have seen already; some you may see down the line.  All are things I am currently thankful for.

1. My hubby ~ Duh!  How blessed am I to be married to this guy? We've been married for a little over 6 years but he's been my friend for over 16 years!! He is NOT who I thought God had for me back then but I am so completely thrilled God gave me this handsome man & allowed me to see past the surface & see what a gem this wonderful man is!!

2. My church friends ~ Some of these ladies are truly some of my BEST friends.  I have known them all for a year, give or take some but they are blessings beyond blessings to me!  They inspire me to be a better me with God by my side.  They are often the ones to build me up when I need the encouragement but also challenge me.  They remind me what a great church this is & that true, wonderful friends really are out there if you are paying attention.

3. My church ~ Cedar Grove Community Church in Livermore is just the right place for my family!  We have been there about 15 months now & as long as God keeps us there we will be more than willing!  We have quite a few couples we consider our friends & well as individual relationships we have each formed. The pastors are on point, clearly speaking what is on each of their hearts. It doesn't just tick off all of the boxes, it fits us.  And for that, we will be forever thankful!

4. My siblings ~ We may not all have the closest relationships but I can tell you I am glad we all are still willing to talk, even "all grown up." Life has taken us different places but I am glad that I had you 3 along the way to make life interesting & help me not be so bored!

5. My Facebook infant loss group ~ I've been a member for only a short time but these girls know how to encourage!  2 miscarriages in such a short time is not an easy thing to stomach, much less move on from.  These girls will listen to anything relating to my loss, my struggles with my PE, my frustrations with something someone said or did... as well as I get to be helpful & prayerful for them as well!

6. My "puppy" ~ Abby puts up with a lot & she deserves more cuddles than she is given.  Thankful I have her & hoping I will find more time to spend with her in the future (& give her baths ;) ~ lol)

7. My Micah Boo ~ Such a smiley boy, this little guy bumps into everything, falls off of things, survives his sister & still has a smile on his face at the end of the day!  He may not like clothes or being clean & he may have no shame... hehehe but he eats everything you put in front of him & he is by far, the best cuddler in the world!

8. My Joy Joy ~ Wow, I have a kindergartener!  She is beautiful, smart, sweet, caring, looking out so often for her brother, keeping him busy when Mommy needs to get something done, loving school, loving baths, learning how to do so many new things like brush her teeth, wash her hair, write her letters- printing & cursive, memorizing verses & poems... And it goes on.  I am so proud to be Joy Joy's mommy.  There is not another one like her in the world!

9. Sleep ~ This one is funny because I don't get much these days. However, when I do, I am usually OUT!  I am thankful to sleep when I can & enjoy cuddling with my Boo when he needs me.  

10. My Jesus ~ Who can forget Him?  He is not last here because He is last in my heart.  He is last to emphasize His importance & place in my heart!  God has been so so good to us over this rough year so far, doing so much to save us & love us & show us how to love others!!!

There is so much more to be thankful for but my body is DONE for the day & both of my kids have been asleep for a little while.  I will try & type up a part two of this one soon.  

That's all for now...

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