Tuesday, May 14, 2013


So I have been busy trying to "organize" my family's life lately, trying to figure out what to do for Joy's schooling in the fall, trying to plan out ideas for summer, praying for the right income so we can be secure and move forward, praying about where to start serving in church, and just taking the best care of them I can. And honestly, I think they all have been taking better care of me. Being sick, David lets me be, lets me rest more, lets me be emotional. He's a blessing. Micah just looks at me or says my name and I can't be mad or frustrated.  I just stop and wanna be in the moment. Joy is so stinkin' smart. Her birthday is almost here. She is so much like me AND her Daddy. I am so amazed by her each day. And all of these conversations I have been having lately with friends, both on FB and elsewhere I just continue to realize how blessed I truly am and how stoked I am to live in Tracy and go to Cedar Grove Community Church in Livermore. God keeps showing me how important family is and keeps refreshing me when I feel weary. This is so not where I saw this blog going and I know I am rambling but I wanted to thank you all who have been reading my blog and I hope you will continue to read through it, the boring, the touching, the exciting. There are good things on the horizon I know. And I look forward to continuing to share with you all. Keep me in your prayers as I continue to seek God with my Davey about where His next steps are for us and how we are to handle them. I know God provides and he is REAL! I look forward to seeing where all of this leads.

On my mind... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=536847656357328&set=a.165409560167808.28902.145537805488317&type=1&theater

Talk to you soon...

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