Thursday, January 1, 2015

So you decided to sit in on a call with John Maxwell... (12 Days After Christmas ~ Day 7)

In February of this past year, I decided to take the plunge.  I fell in love with Beachbody products and I knew they worked.  I was looking for a way to at least supplement my husband's income so that we could relax some, breathe.  So with the help of a friend and fellow coach, I joined and started watching people on my team and what they did and tried to get an idea of their success.  I continued P90X3 when I wasn't injured (and to some extent when I was) and eventually found a way to balance food and exercise and then it just started to click.  I was excited.  I ran my first challenge group and I saw potential in others, in other people that had something in common with me but were each their own person as well.  I sold a few programs and realized that if I continued to learn and continued to express what was in my heart that this could be a winning combination for me.  

And I still believe it.  Even though the surprise roller coaster of this pregnancy took some time to adjust to, I still believe it.  And here I am 10.5 months in, and I want to make this year the best one yet.  And I know people say it all the time but this year... it is definitely going to be different for me as a person and for my family.  I am going to LIVE this year and I am going to be INTENTIONAL about it.  Now, I did not want to be a hypocrite day one of the New Year.  (I mean, who does?)  One of the great parts of coaching with Beachbody is being on a team.  On our team Facebook group, someone chimed in and reminded us about the call with John Maxwell... yes, you read that right.  Today, at 10am PST, Traci Morrow's entire team was invited on to a call with him.  On a personal level, this is likely the closest I have ever been to starstruck.  I know who this guy is.  I've heard about him over and over growing up.  And through some kind of cool God thing only he could orchestrate, when dozens of us moved from one team to another (which only happens for certain reasons), I ended up in Traci Morrow's downline, who has been mentored the past 2 years by John Maxwell.  For those of you who don't know who Traci Morrow is, she's one kickass amazing woman and a Founding Coach of Beachbody.  And she's a woman of faith which I absolutely LOVE!  Ever done P90X or P90X3? You've seen her.  Let's just say there isn't a better team to be on...

So today, I jumped on the call she hosted with John Maxwell, determined to start my year off right.  If I am going to claim to LIVE this year and make key decisions, I need to be INTENTIONAL.  And that is the very first thing I got from what John Maxwell said.  So this month, I plan to break down what it will mean to LIVE, sort of like mini resolutions or key tenants to making this year the best one yet.  The first part is about being INTENTIONAL.  (Have you got that?)  Keep in mind you can't move forward if you are not looking forward and living where you are, where you are going.  If you are looking backwards, how can you move forward??  Maybe better said by John Maxwell, "Don't look back.  You're not going that way (anymore).  2014 is past.  It's behind you." 

When Traci closed out the call, she quoted him as well on the subject of intentionality.  "Lots of people have good intentions but they don't have intentionality."  Something to think about... So what did you do today?  Clearly, I have got some things to work on.  While you're thinking about that, go ahead and sign up for my "New Year, New You" group on Facebook ~ 3 weeks, 21 tips... Let's just get going in the right direction, okay?

I am stoked to be on this journey with you and help you in any way I can.  I am here to chat with you online or on the phone, by e-mail... I am totally and completely a work in progress and I am loving what I am starting to see emerge.  
"You cannot give what you do not have." ~ John Maxwell  
Want to be built into this year?  Let me know.  I am pretty excited to see what is to come...

As always, 

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