Thursday, July 10, 2014

Are you OFF today?

Ever had a rough day?  Let's be honest. We all have at some point, probably a lot if we are being truthful.  Some are worse than others.  You know what I mean though, right? You often wake up feeling off and everything you attempt to do is affected by this nagging feeling or how tired you are or... fill the blank here.

Today was one of those days.  It wasn't that I didn't put in effort. It wasn't that I wanted it to be harder.  However, it was. I got up at 5:30. I did my X3 Yoga. I went for my 2 mile run. Neither felt good like I am used to. I spent most of my Yoga looking forward to a fresh run.  And then during my run, I dragged on and on just barely moving in a jog for just about the ENTIRE 2 miles.  I knew I had another workout but could not do it until 9am or later due to the noise rules of the complex. After drinking my Endurox, David and I agreed I needed to go back to bed. I was tired.  I was in and out for about 2.5 hours. David left for work. I woke up, slowly starting to feel better. That didn't last though. I walked into the other room and realized about 60 seconds in my body was still fatigued and I needed to postpone this workout to the next day. I worked on lunch for the kids and I. Once fed, I was overcome with emotion. Life just has a way of hitting you hard sometimes, overwhelming you... and the truth here is that I could have been a bit more organized early on and I knew I would be tired and yet I ignored those facts and was suffering the consequences of my own choices... not to go to bed earlier the past few nights, not to make my to do lists and even try to follow them some days...

So I was frustrated, teary, exhausted and I cried out to a friend. She gave me a quick piece of advice. I followed it.  And you know what?  I also got a few extra things done. 

I am still tired, fatigued, frustrated and today I did not follow my usual "diet." (I detest that word by the way.) But tomorrow is a new day and even on the hardest days, I can do something... and so can you.  Lesson learned? I definitely did today. No more laziness when life is hard.  Take it easier? Sure. But I won't give up again just because I am feeling "off."

That's all for now...

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