Monday, September 9, 2013

Major malfunction, anyone?

I lost it!  We saw it coming but we didn't know when.  Today, an issue with the Direct Sales company I work or tipped me into a long, sporadic, hard cry!  I felt horrible, miserable really, guilty too!  I was suddenly mad at the friend who hadn't been available lately too. I was so upset, my poor, sweet kids were hearing me wail from the other room, Joy worried as ever.  I never want to make my kids feel that way.  I wish in some small way I could explain to them the emotional pain David and I have been going through, as well as concerns with my health we hold.  We try not to though.  Its not their fault or their issue. They are little.  Life is fun right now.  Life is adventurous. We want to inspire that awe!

I was still irritated with the neighbors as well. They keep pushing our buttons and boy is it getting to David.  Please keep him in prayer.  As upset as it makes me, holding back is much harder for him right now.  He wants to protect us and keep them from "traumatizing" us and it is wearing on him thin. Additionally, the first new schedule didn't look right. David was short 6-8 hours and was scheduled Sunday, something he was assured would rarely, if ever happen.  He also wasn't sure about the overtime. He and I both believe whatever happened was likely unintentional but his immediate fear was the frustration of the past few years all over again.  Fortunately, he should be able to talk with his GM tonight while at work.  Prayers for that as well, please!

God is so good though.  Start looking on Facebook if you have it.  Going to start up my daily praise soon, not sure for how long but I miss it.  After listing over 15 things off in a prayer group I am currently thankful for I thought it definitely is about time I remind people of it.  Thinking a thankfulness blog is due here soon as well.  So, short and sweet I hope for now. I hope and pray you all had a wonderful day.  Thank you for reading once again... Stay tuned. We can be thankful for so many things.  Maybe I will issue a challenge? Let me know what you think.  

That's all for now...

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