After I typed up last night's post, I did a little more reflecting. It has been a long time for me opening up (and if you know me, I am a TALKER!). God has really used this period in my life to grow me as an individual, a mom, a wife etc... He has used it to redefine and reinforce priorities. In the wake of the miscarriage, David and I both had a strong desire. So a little over 8 weeks ago, David started P90X (and I thought crazy!). I started mixing it up. I went to Curves. I walked and walked. I found Zumba and got it for our Wii (which is now in need of replacement). I worked out 1.5 hrs a day initially. I then changed it up, varying from 30 min to 3.5 hrs. It was ridiculous. I lost 5 lbs the first week. I then yoyo'd up and down an additional 3 lbs for the next 5 weeks. I finally got sick, hit another period, had a mild injury (repetitive stress- apparently my "curse"). I was getting nowhere and I was working so stinkin' hard. I was frustrated. David was getting results and I was barely moving.
It was then I realized there was a Lean version to P90X and in one fell swoop, I had started it. I determined not to quit so as not to have "wasted time." Week 1 was hard. I wanted Tony Horton to disappear and I wanted to eat my junk again but I pressed on. Week 1, I lost 3 lbs, obsessive over the scale. Week 2 felt a little better and lo and behold I was making progress, another 3 lbs. At this point, I finally got my measurements. In the 7ish weeks since I had last checked, I had lost 12 total inches. My trainer at Curves was shocked and impressed. It was after week three, and 3 more lbs later, I was stronger and doing things I never thought I would do. I knew I couldn't go back. I was following the program to a tee and addicted to Tony, even when he annoyed me. So, lifestyle change... yes. And totally worth it... Still want more babies but now I have a new focus and trust me, I can SEE the results and I feel like a pro I guess. God is good. God continues to reveal his blessings in places I don't expect. I have had several wonderfully surprising conversations later and I am more energized than ever. Here is where some of my motivation is coming from...
Enjoy! More where that came from alter. Now off to do Core Synergistics. Thank goodness for Recovery Week. Do your best. Forget the rest! Right?
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