Tuesday, February 3, 2015

30 Weeks Preggo!

Hi Friends!  Since my long 100th post,  we had a family day we promised the kiddos yesterday.  It was great to get out at least once as a family for a day before the latest princess enters our lives!  The highlight for Micah was probably the Fry's Electronics with the train theme. There was a trains sticking outside of the building as well as more inside with the walls continuing. It was amazing!  I was definitely impressed.  Joy got to go to a Disney Store with a pretty cool mirror in there. I didn't quite understand it but she had a wand and there were pictures coming up on it. She was in awe. Definitely the most interactive one I can remember.  I picked up my Boppy and Baby Girl got a glittery sweater & bright pink "genius" onesie. And of course we did a throwback memory to Marie Callender's & had dinner at our newest favorite,  Chick-fil-A.  These are all things that usually would take weeks or months to accomplish in our family but we enjoyed our time together.

Today I woke up with a definite sinus infection. Please pray for me as its been hard being sick at all pregnant.  I am still keeping my walking commitment though.  2.32 miles today.  Plenty more to go!  David promised we can finally order Shakeology again next week as well. ~Relieved and excited~

And of course,  today marks 30 weeks pregnant! Definitely feeling the discomforts of less sleep and a growing baby but I am committed to staying as active as I can walking for the duration!  She'll be here before we know it!

That's all for now...
As always,

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