Thursday, October 3, 2013

For my dear friend...

I know you're going through a hard time.
I'm sure it seems everyone has something to say.
You probably wonder often what you should do.
You're waiting for God to show you the way.

You're feeling down and so confused.
Answers seem to be so very far away.
You're holding on to this precious life.
Not knowing if he will go or stay.

Don't forget to hold on to God's promises.
He's with you each and every day.
He smiles on you because He's chosen you.
He loves you more than words can say.

So don't you worry about tomorrow.
Keep your head up and you pray.
You know God will never leave you.
Just take it one step, start today.

Just a quick one to encourage you...
That's all for now...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Say What?

As if enough wasn't already going on in my life, it seems I had quite a few calls to made, all revolving around my health, and all of them... today. But of course, that wouldn't be enough, would it?

My morning started off just fine.  My hubby took Joy to school for me, bringing Micah along for the ride.  He then entertained & fed Micah and put him down for nap.  I awoke finally, much later than expected but mostly rested.  It was then that I noticed my body was still trying to figure out what time of month it was... lovely, how long can one of these last?  I also noticed the pain, but seeing as I needed to shower, I did that first and then took the pain meds, which of course, being that it had been much longer since the last dose (even though I was sleeping), it took awhile for my body to "take." I called back the clinical pharmacists to find out my INR was... 2.2!  Fantastic as it is that its finally therapeutic, she suggested I call my OB for the bleeding issue.  I called and left a message.  (Still no call back) I called my hematologist's office as well around this time and the girl there said that she was allowed to call in my prescription for pain meds. This was great to hear that I would get it tomorrow, as I would be out by midday tomorrow.

I got ready and took off with Micah, while David was leaving for work so there wouldn't be any fall out there.  We went the "pretty way" to pick up Joy from school.  Micah clearly needed some more sleep, as he fell asleep 5-10 minutes into the drive. After picking up Joy, we headed back home the pretty way again. I got a call while I was driving from my hematologist's office. She told me that the prescription was called in but I wouldn't be allowed to have it for another 5 days since I just picked up some from another pharmacy... I did what? Clearly, my pharmacy needed a call.

When I got home, I unloaded the kids and got on the phone with my pharmacy. They said someone had called in one to be picked up at Rite Aid under my name.  Not a chance, not a stinkin' chance that happened by me or my doctor's office (which I confirmed).  She said she would call over to Rite Aide (Rite Aide? I don't use Rite Aide for anything, much less prescriptions) & call me back. About 10 minutes later, she did.  No explanation but that my prescription would be ready in 15-20 minutes... for real? Nice. I called to thank the girl at my hematologist's office for alerting me.  Glad we got it sorted out... praying it doesn't happen again.  So, off to dance we go shortly and Micah & I will go grab my pain meds.  Thankful for those who know what to do in this situation and that I wasn't held to someone else's error.

That's all for now...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Surprise! Time for another... *ouch* ~ blood draw!

This road is likely the bumpiest I have ever traveled. Its a bit ironic.  As I have been spending a bit of time getting to know a lot of the alternate ways to and from Livermore (church & Joy's school), my life seems to be looking much to same.  There are plenty of hills, curves, straight-a-ways... you get my drift! Last week, I lamented over my Wednesday, a not-so-good health day for me.  At the time, I wondered if it was somehow related to my actual blood draw that morning.  It wasn't.  How do I know? Today, I had another day like that.  I was feeling sick, tired, lethargic, worn, dizzy, lightheaded... & to top it all off? I had some suspicious bleeding!  Not ideal for someone on Coumadin for a pulmonary embolism!  Since my INR was high the day I felt this way last week, I suspect its related.  I am concerned as well.  I asked my hubby to call the Coumadin Clinic for me at Sutter Tracy and he did. They asked me to go in for a blood draw today when I got back home to Tracy.  I made it 20 minutes before closing at 3:40pm with my kids in tow.  Fortunately, there was no line... and get this, the ladies who work there were thinking they should have seen me that morning and were wondering where I was... great! (I actually have been going in Wednesdays.)  I was in & out and on my way to the store before heading home just in time for a nice early dinner.  I am feeling a smidgen better, as I did later on last Wednesday.  I will get my INR results tomorrow.  I am guessing that means I won't have it checked again Thursday but we will see.  Please keep me in your prayers.  The good news is that since David doesn't go in until 4:30 tomorrow, after I drop off Joy at school, I will get to spend the day at my friend's relaxing & trying to get some things done... It's about time ;) Thank you for all oft he prayers... 1.5 hrs until bedtime...

That's all for now...