Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Weekend away...

I woke up Thursday and decided I had had it! I was hot, tired and the AC was so inconsistent I couldn't imagine staying in with my kids for the next several days while my hubby worked. I had previously told people I couldn't imagine leaving the house after the busy-ness that had engulfed us for days before. That day, the 4th of July, I woke up, looked at my hubby and asked him if it was okay if I took the kids to my parents for a few days. He agreed and I reluctantly and sleepily sorted through clean clothes that hadn't been yet sorted. 

I kept questioning my own sanity but ultimately got the basics ready and headed out the door with the kids. I loaded the car and said goodbye to my sweet hubby. I was definitely still speculating insanity on my part as it was a holiday and I was heading towards the beach but I did it. I stopped by David's work a little after leaving to grab the card, grabbed the kids food locally and then headed out.  We passed a fire on the freeway (at least the 2nd we've seen this season) and I thanked the Lord it wasn't backing up our side of the freeway or causing issues for us in any way, shape or form. We were making good time when we hit San Jose and then took 40 minutes to merge and merge and merge (did I mention the merging). GPS announced more traffic ahead as I realized we needed gas. Thankful I was in familiar territory, I got some gas to get me to my parents and took an alternate route that cut the rest of our trip in half. 

Arriving in almost twice the time, I breathed in the salty, sea air that often wafted up to my parents house. We hadn't been down in some time, at least not for more than a day and I decided this trip was already worth it. The kids were elated. Micah couldn't believe how much room there was to move around and how fun the toys were. Joy immediately found my sister and the day progressed in an uneventful fashion. Later that evening, we had a bbq at my aunt and uncle's house. It was calm and enjoyable and I was more than thrilled to have a worn out Micah to put to bed that night. 
The weekend progressed and was cool outside, just as I had missed. I felt more relaxed and took this to be a retreat for my body and sanity. 

The final day, I went to lunch with a childhood friend due with her first baby soon. That night we ate at a familiar, loved Chinese place I hadn't been to in ages. I am glad we made the trip and glad my kids were able to enjoy themselves. It was good for the spirit and I know in the future where to go when I really need a break for just a few days. Sometimes God speaks to us in ways we don't expect and in places we don't expect. 

That's all for now..

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