Monday, June 30, 2014

Just Keep Swimming!

I absolutely LOVE to swim!  But for years, I didn't have consistent access to a pool I could afford. I have missed it immensely! With the heat up here, its nuts some days. What I would give for a pool in my backyard... or a backyard... But that's another story. Hehe.

This all changed though when I was talking to a dear friend of mine recently.  She pointed out the window to their pool and said I could use that. I made a snarky comment, stating I would truly take her up on that if she was serious.

Just a few days ago, we set it up.  Today, I jumped in the pool.  Wednesday and Friday I will get to do this too... for at least the rest of the summer! Oh yes!  Today was a bit of acclimating as I made it about 20 minutes total, getting winded here and there. It was SO COMPLETELY WORTH IT!  I am in love and stoked and this will be my new favorite place to defrag and get my active on! Haha!

Just a reminder that patience pays off and having amazing friends does too!

God is good... ALL of the time! Yes!!!
That's all for now...

P.S. Did a picture of Dory come to anyone else's mind? ;-)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Lifestyle Change

Hi friends! Today marks a pretty important day for me. I am going "public" with my fitness & health journey.  I've launched my Coach Facebook & set up my initial Beachbody website.  It is actually a big thing for me as I have tried to keep this area of my life more private due to my own insecurities.  With the events of 2013 starting to affect me for the better, I have decided it is time!

A few refreshers or new info ~

Ran for the first time in 5th grade for our school's yearly track meet. I came to the realization I could run and maybe even be athletic, even though I was easily one of the slowest out there at the time.

Learned to swim during the summers of middle school.
Ran track in 7th & 8th grade.
Swam on the school team 9th & 10th grades.
Attempted cross country in 10th grade.
Learned after a missions trip btwn 10th-11th grades that I could gain weight :(

Ran with Team in Training during Spring of 2006 & 2007. During both seasons I suffered injuries. I developed a stress fracture in my right foot in 2006, scaling back from a marathon to a half marathon ultimately.  At the time, I did not take this well.
In 2007, I developed severe shin splints in both legs that did not initially heal up well and received a medical transfer, therefore not completing the season.
Nevertheless, running continued to be a goal for me.

Put on 50 lbs in 2008-2009 after my Joy was born midyear.
In 2010, joined Curves and ultimately lost 12 lbs over the next several years due to inconsistencies and pregnancies of my children.

Last year, after seeing the initial progress of my husband doing P90X, I jumped on board. I found I lost 15 lbs my first month (then got pregnant).
I attempted it again in November but my head and heart were not in it so stopped after a week.

Around the New Year, heard about P90X from a friend.  Jumped on board!
In February of this year, I signed on as Beachbody Coach but initially focused on my own personal journey.  Have now completed P90X3 Block 1 almost 3 times due to injuries primarily that sidelined and delayed me.

Recently, I have learned a lot about nutrition and how to make this lifestyle work for me.  I've stopped worrying about bring skinny. Instead, I choose to work towards being healthy & fit and be an example and inspiration to others the best that I can. That's just a snapshot but I hope you'll join me on my journey & tell me about yours!  More to come!

And speaking of getting fit... Yoga X3 here I come!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Dinner Win!

Many of you know most of 2013 I resisted doing any major cooking or baking.  Life was hard and my kitchen made me mad so I chose to just stay away.  This meant that, yes a lot of microwaving and much more takeout happened than any sane mom would like.  However this was life.  And being that I actually do enjoy cooking and baking, it felt a little weird.  So, this year one of my goals has been to really get back into baking and cooking.  And it turns out I picked a pretty good time.  Joy is ripe to help me bake and apparently is learning that just because you haven't had the food doesn't make it bad.

This was especially important tonight.  If you have spent anytime talking to me about my childhood, you likely know what my favorite food was growing up, nothing frilly, nothing fancy but it was a big deal.  My parents always called it Chicken Lickin' Porkchops and it was mostly done in a crockpot.  This recipe is also what inspired my own love and use of the crockpot.  For whatever reason though, I only recently bothered to find out how to make it.  And realizing we'd NEVER eaten porkchops in this little family of ours EVER, tonight became the night.  (Plus, I can use the protein ;-) )  So, I attempted it with a different soup because I forgot to the buy the right one but I knew it wasn't a crucial change.  Joy originally told me she wouldn't be having any.  Her tune changed as she realized this was dinner.  Micah will eat just about anything but with Joy its hard to know some days.

Much to my surprise, she not only tried it, she asked for seconds with a smile before the side dish was even on the plate (one of her favorites too).  So for me, a dinner win also reminds me how much I love to cook for my family and eat real food.  It also inspires me to keep on cooking, even when the days are hard.